
10 Simple Steps to Prevent Common Lifestyle Diseases

As scary as change can be, this is non-negotiable. Kofuku has a 10-step plan you can take now to prevent lifestyle diseases in the future.
Yashika Sruthi
Yashika Sruthi
10 Simple Steps to Prevent Common Lifestyle Diseases


Forget the scary headlines and drastic overhaul plans! Preventing lifestyle diseases doesn't have to be a life-altering nightmare-induced fever dream. In fact, on the contrary small, sustainable changes to your daily routine can make just enough difference as you need.

Think of it like this: your body is your new Ferrari; it runs so smoothly that you don't even wonder if it can break down in the near or far future. The one thing that will make a difference is how you treat it now impacts its performance later on.

We can already hear you biting your nails about all the times you skipped breakfast or forgot to hydrate for a whole day. Relax, because there's still time to prevent the worst from happening. By making teeny tiny positive adjustments to your life, you can largely reduce your risk of developing chronic conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even some variants of cancers.

So, read on and find out what you can do right now to make your future healthier and happier!

Here are 10 lifestyle changes you can make today to prevent lifestyle diseases:

Gains All Day Keeps The Doctor Away

If there ever is a way to make the most tiring activity like exercise fun, then take it instantly without blinking an eye. Your friend is calling you out for a fun Zumba workshop? Sign right up. Your neighbour wants you to walk their dog for a few days? Say yes first and then worry about keeping up with an excitable puppy later.

The point is going to the gym and pumping weights is not the only form of exercise one can do. Hell, even walking the way to the grocery shop that's 15 minutes away is a form of exercise, since you spend at least half an hour walking. What makes exercises fun is integrating them into daily routines. It not only makes your everyday feel more productive but reduces your risk of heart disease, breast cancer and even depression.

Gaslight Yourself into Eating Healthy

Without completely dismantling what you are now, you cannot grow. But what you grow to be will still be you, much like the ship of Theseus (conundrum solved!). Eating wildly different food that you don't even like much, will only result in a dissatisfied hunger. But adding or replacing your favourite ingredients slowly with a healthier alternative? Now, that’s easier. The dosa batter suddenly turns brown some days while the scrambled egg has the green and orange of beans and carrots for some reason.

Mothers have perfected this art of deception in the kitchen more masterfully than those bakers who make realistic cakes. We say this affectionately because who else is powerful enough to prevent malnutrition and several lifestyle diseases like obesity and type 2 diabetes, generation after generation?

If you're doing this hefty task on your own then think "mostly plants, some protein, and healthy fats." Make small sneaky swaps – brown rice instead of white, water instead of sugary drinks, and add side salads to regular meals. Add turmeric and cinnamon for colour, you know, and nothing else, cough neutralises free radicals and shields your cells from damage cough.

Don't forget to practice mindful eating. This is to say, be aware of your portion sizes and avoid distractions while eating. Yes, no more Man vs Wild during dinner, your mother has had enough of Bear Grylls eating earthworms.

Amazing people do meal preps, if someone disagrees, then share your Tupperware of frozen strawberries and see them swallow protests along with the fruit. Focus on plant-based diets which lowers the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) by 22%.

Meal preps help you make healthy choices throughout the week. And the next thing you know, a month later, it's comfortably integrated into your daily routine.

Don't Do Drugs, Kids!

Mukesh is a national sensation because he is literally in every Indian movie. Not as an actor but as part of that one disturbing ‘Smoking is Injurious to Your Health’ ad. And what do you know, smoking is in fact injurious to health, it literally says so on the packet!

The worst part about it is that there's a thing called Secondhand Smoking which was one of the leading causes of death in 2019 with 11.2% of the Disability-Adjusted life years (DALYs) population being children under 5 years of age.

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and substance abuse are major risk factors for a variety of chronic diseases not only to the user but the people around them as well. This is not really a mind-blowing fact considering tobacco is the primary trigger for oral and lung cancer and many other respiratory diseases.

If you are a current user, quitting is the single best thing you can do for your health. Because addiction itself is a chronic condition. If you find it difficult to do it alone, numerous resources are readily available to help you quit, including regional support groups, counselling, and medications. They have everything from modern and Ayurveda to holistic programs that you can choose from. As far as preventive measures go, quitting something that so assuredly will make your life worse is the best you can do by yourself.

No One Wealthier Than the Wise

A smart person can find loopholes and slither out of the trouble they find themselves in. But a wise person knows not to fall into such an obvious trap in the first place. It's important to be both and know when to be which too.

When it comes to preventing lifestyle diseases, the 1000IQ play is to read a book. No, wait, let us explain.

Most people are not even aware of the different Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and chronic illnesses but are literally living it. With no knowledge, there is no appropriate care. And with no care, your condition can worsen.

For example, imagine you've noticed that every time your eyes burn, and a mild headache starts up, it's always followed by a fever. You notice this pattern and learn that cold fevers do give out those symptoms. You can get to the doctor early and avoid a week of sniffling and regretting not heeding your body's warnings.

Knowledge gives you the ultimate power to uno reverse disease before it starts stacking +4s on you. It has the added bonus of becoming more motivational than that one relative's forward message because finding out the risk factors and potential complications does that to people. You can start with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) site on NCDs.

Don't Do Drugs, Kids!

We Are One With The Earth

If you think changing your lifestyle does not include earth-friendly practices, then you need to dive deeper into your research. Glad we caught you at the right point tho because sustainable lifestyle changes will be part of your preventive measure. If the air you breathe is polluted, then no amount of green vegetables will compensate for that.

We should also think about the fact that we are literally drinking plastic! A study from 2018 reported that 93% of water bottles from big shot brands had microplastics and BPA, which causes reproductive issues and cancer. Although we've settled into the fact that plastic bottles do have a weird taste, it's still prevalent. Sustainable living means using reusable bottles to replace those and taking further steps to replace other plastic items with earth-friendly resources. Some small examples are bamboo toothbrushes, clay pots of mugs, glasses and jugs.

Much like anything else, you can easily incorporate it into your daily routine across all aspects of your life through trial and error. It's not just doing it once and forgetting about it when it's convenient but consistently doing it is important. By making small, sustainable lifestyle changes, you'll be well on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

Robin Hood Your Data Back to Yourself

If you're thinking about how proactive the other 5 changes will make your routine, then you haven't even heard half of it (literally). If the tech companies are going to steal your data, then make it worth your while by monitoring your BP, sugar and heart rate levels. Being able to check all of these at regular intervals and at home is one of the best privileges of technological innovations.

On the line of doing ample research, monitoring your vitals can help with early detection and prevent lifestyle diseases from taking root. For example, a study showed that the early detection of derangements in vital signs, a known predictor of cardiac and respiratory arrest, increased the survival rate of the patients by 79.9%.

So keeping an eye on yourself reaps so many benefits including but not limited to showing your Fitbit who's the boss.

Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite

Wanting to win in the global sleeping scorecard is both normal to want and possible to achieve. Right now, our sleep index is around 71 compared to the global average of 76. We reportedly both sleep half an hour late and wake up half an hour early, losing precious precious time on snoozing alarm clocks and evading the sun through the window.

Quality sleep is a completely different beast because anyone can sleep, but can you sleep with premium first-class head-in-the-metaphorical-clouds kind of quality? Debatable, because having almost 14-17 hours of deep sleep as newborns, we grow up to need not more than 2 hours of it. It might seem very less but considering it's 25% of your sleeping time, it's very hard to fall into deep sleep for many who have insomnia or sleep apnea. Chronic sleep deprivation can also weaken your immune system and that's where the possibility of lifestyle diseases come into play.

Start slow and aim for 7-8 hours of restorative sleep each night. Give yourself a nice talk about sticking to routines. If there are bribes involved, then that secret will go down with you. Making a sleep-conducive environment by dimming the light and removing noise distractions can also help. If the problem persists, it's better to see a doctor for a more solid treatment plan. Because poor sleep not only affects your physical health but also your mental well-being.

Touching Grass Will Actually Save Your Life

It's sad to see that the anime pop Twitter user you fought on the replies with was so right for all the wrong reasons. Many studies about Nature Deficit Disorder, a fairly new term, have shown that spending time in nature can lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, and improve mood. Another study among psychiatric inpatients who gardened for therapeutic purposes reported that their mood improved and a sense of community and belonging chased away self-isolation that's prevalent in many chronic mental disorders.

In the same vein, soaking up some sunshine can help your body produce vitamin D, which is important for immune function and can lessen the risk of osteoporosis and muscle weakness. A 15-20 minute daily exposure should do nicely, but be mindful of sun protection during peak hours.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

With ample research proving that the psychological benefits of laughter are unbeatable, new ones show that even a burst of forced laughter can imitate the same effect though it's fundamentally different from a genuine one. Making time for things that bring you joy and laughter like, for example, watching a funny movie or spending time with people who make you smile are top of the list.

Laughter can also act as a solid stress management technique preventing chronic stress-related illnesses, working along with other practices like meditation or deep breathing exercises. Laughter therapy is so easy to integrate into your daily routines because all it requires is for you to simply watch, read or do stuff that makes you laugh.

Stay Hydrated, Kids!

People don't say water is the elixir of life as a joke. It really is essential for literally every bodily function, from regulating our temperature to lubricating joints. A study even points out that adults who hydrate develop fewer chronic conditions and have a higher life expectancy.

As our 1st-grade teacher tried to etch into our brains, drinking eight glasses of water per day with an adjustable glass or two based on your activity level and climate can be the starting point. Dehydration can lead to kidney stones, constipation, fatigue, and even cognitive decline.

Despite all that, If you simply hate water too much, a rarity, if we've ever heard one, here, are Kofuku's tips and tricks to increase your water intake:

  • Carry a reusable water bottle with you and refill it throughout the day.
  • Add slices of lemon, cucumber, or berries to your water for an oomph.
  • Pick water over soda or juice.


If you have read up to this point, congratulations! You really do care about preventing lifestyle diseases and are actively looking to do it efficiently. When all is said and done, it's important to remember that you can, in fact, slack off a few times. Sacrilegious, we know but following a rigid and miserable routine will not give you happiness. And half the fun of being healthy is that you get to be happy for a little while longer to enjoy it to the fullest. You'll have more energy, a stronger immune system, and an overall softer outlook on life.

That is why it's time you stop waiting for a wake-up call from your body to take matters into your hands – step up to the task anyway and make those much-needed lifestyle changes today!
