Every breath you take, every cough you fake, every move you make - straight to Safdarjung Hospital. Delhi, I am watching you. The air is so bad even the Police have lost their Sting (IYKYK). Such is the AQI in Delhi.
The Indian capital is a veritable gas chamber right now, as some locations have recorded an AQI of over 900. For the past 30 days, the lowest the AQI has dropped in Delhi was 177, which also feels like a distant past. Despite a legitimate scare of suffocation, another demon lurking underneath the sheet of smog is Airborne Disease.
Thanks to COVID, we all started getting paranoid, wearing masks, and becoming more touchy about who touched us or who sneezed on us. Airborne diseases are unpredictable. Like the stock market. Except that there are no dividends. Only common diseases.