If you have also been intently following the news, you would know that there is a Guillain-Barré Syndrome(GBS) outbreak in Pune, with 163 reported cases as of Monday.
Not just in Pune and not just now, Guillain-Barre Syndrome has been on the rise across the country in the past few weeks. Wait… don’t panic. It is not something new, and we are not going through another lockdown.
GBS has been around for more than a century now. In fact, even during the Pandemic, the UK saw a sudden surge in GBS cases. In 2023, Peru reported 200 cases of the same disease. So, one thing is for sure: it's nothing new. But does that make it any less dangerous? Well, no.
GBS is a complex disease that needs a lot of conditions to be met to spread. However, since it is spreading rapidly, you should know about it, right? That’s what I’ll do in this blog. So, let’s talk about it!