How does one raise a child? Do we feed them, clothe them, give them water and expect them to grow magically? Till what age do we need to teach them things? How patient do we have to be to raise a child? And more importantly, what is a well-raised child, if there is such a thing? I stumbled upon these questions during one of my zoned-out stream-of-consciousness trips while coming back from work on a bus as two mothers constantly bickered about their children.
They say it takes a village to raise a child, but we don’t live in villages anymore. We don’t have people who would stop our children from doing wrong things anymore. We don’t have neighbours around to protect them from fights anymore. We don’t have elders who would help us with the parenting tips anymore.
In this blog, we will talk about some of the best practices that we as parents can incorporate and just hope that our children will grow up to be good people. Otherwise, we will have to change the whole blog after 30 years.