I stared into the mirror, my eyes boring into it until my forehead almost touched the glass surface. I traced a finger along my “triangle of sadness”, as if willing the lines to disappear. It’s a strange feeling to see your body change. To find new lines and creases.
My phone rang, and as I checked it, I caught myself furrowing my brows. The darned phone. Also, looking at a screen all day is also probably not helping.
To distract myself I opened Instagram (as one does) and looked for affirmation.
It was time for the supportive side of social media. Soon enough, I found myself scrolling through posts from women editors, photographers, and writers discussing this inevitable part of getting older. To age gracefully, or not? To get Botox, or not? Where do we stand today?
While the media discourse on Botox is certainly an interesting read, let’s get into the actual facts.