
Back Pain in Young Adults: Common Causes and Solutions

Gone are the days when the youth suffered from war and famine. Now the youth suffers from crippling back pain! But what is it?
Rayomand S. Engineer
Rayomand S. Engineer
Back Pain in Young Adults: Common Causes and Solutions


Back pain - how many times have you bent or straightened your back only to be met with pain? Back pain is a common ailment among young adults in India, with the number of young people asking for spine speciality appointments increasing. One study says that 33% of IT professionals in India experience back pain. Not only that, around 50-80% of Indians experience back pain at some point in their lives, with poor posture being a major contributory factor.

If you are among these people who are experiencing back pains, there can be multiple reasons behind it. So, without much further ado, here are the ten most common reasons for back pain in young adults.
