Brrrrrrrrng! The alarm clock groaned for the THIRD TIME! Hit snooze, AGAIN! I fell asleep in the middle of a doom scroll - my phone's still playing the video of Christiano Ronaldo talking into my screen from a tub.
Miserably, I dragged myself out of bed and stood in front of the bathroom mirror. Then it dawned on me: It was already 7 a.m., and I had to be at the office by 8!
I calculated how much time I had before I could rush out: brush my teeth, get ready, get coffee on the way, and maybe skip if it's too late! This was all I could afford, but my body was not ready to move, and my mind was completely muddled.
With great effort, I hauled myself into the shower and turned on the ice-cold water. I felt the ice bath jolt me awake from the dead. As soon as I turned off the knob and stepped out of the shower, I felt like a different person.
As I rushed out of my house at 7:40, I was still sleep-deprived, but at least now I did not feel like it—or even, might I dare say it, look like it.