According to a March 2024 report published in the medical journal The Lancet, around eight crore Indians are obese, including one crore people between the ages of five and 19. That is officially an obesity epidemic. That means around 70% of the urban population is obese. Since obesity is considered one of the key reasons behind a lot of diseases, weight loss and weight management are significantly substantial.
Given the fast-paced current age, where we are so used to instant gratifications (thanks, Meta), we simply don't have the time to hit the gym or eat healthy. So, pills are the only option. They are small, take less than a second to pop, and work by themselves internally. Some feel they are the same magic pills from the games that magically grant your wish to have a body like Cristiano Ronaldo.
These pills are often marketed with the face of some super-toned superstar to make us feel that the stars also use the same pills (I know you already know this, but this clearly works). We ignore that the superstar probably spends four hours in the gym, follows a diet that we can't even imagine, and stacks thousands to look that way; no, it's the pill for us. That begs the question, do these pills work? If they didn't, they wouldn't be sold in droves either. So what's the catch? Let's explore!