
Why Your Headaches Might Be Hiding a Bigger Issue

Your headache that you popped an OTC pill to shoo away is back with a vengeance. Want to know why? Read more and find out!
Yashika Sruthi
Yashika Sruthi
Why Your Headaches Might Be Hiding a Bigger Issue


Giving Hermia a run for her money, Headaches are the perfect example of "Though she be but little, she is fierce." Little in the sense that it's extremely common. They are the most prevalent and disabling trait of headache disorders and affect people of all ages. It does seem to be a tiny bit sexist since migraine, a primary headache disorder, is said to affect women three or more times more than it does men.

While they can be annoying and even debilitating, they are often dismissed as a minor inconvenience. However, in some cases, headaches can be a symptom of a more serious underlying health condition. They are also the best example of how over-the-counter meds most often treat the symptom and not the cause.

Our job today is to figure out if you've had chronic pain in your head that appears with seemingly no rhyme or rhythm. Kofuku is ready to show you that there is a definite method to all this madness and help you crack it wide open.