Being a parent in the 21st century is probably the most demanding job that no one is talking about! The tail end of the twentieth century saw a massive boom in globalisation, which resulted in a seismic shift in livelihood. In a span of some 20 years, we have gained access to all the knowledge in the world, experienced devices that we never even imagined, and used technology that we never thought could exist! Free internet, AI, 3d printing, space travel, self-driving cars... Man! The list goes on!
Now, you, a parent, seeing your child grow up, are torn to shreds! When you grew up, your parents wanted you to be either a doctor, engineer, or lawyer. They had planned your life before you could walk. No matter how much we hated it, there was still a direction. Right now, there's too much noise. Too many options for everything. Too many types of jobs, too many types of cultures; heck! Even the restaurants have so many options on their menu. It's debilitating!
We thought, "Why don't we talk about it?" Let's make a realistic rule book for you, as a parent, to follow. No clutter, no noise. Just some realistic parenting tips that you can fall back on when your child talks about something you've never heard of.