
Debunking Intense Workouts Myths – What’s Real and What’s Not

Think intense workouts guarantee results? Discover why high intensity isn’t always necessary and how to find the right balance for fitness success.
Vishvas Sowmyanarayanan
Vishvas Sowmyanarayanan
Debunking Intense Workouts Myths – What’s Real and What’s Not

The Morning Run Revelation

It was another Monday morning run for Rinu. Rain or shine, she was out there, grinding out her 10Ks, however, with a look of happiness, a serene smile gracing her face. Contrary to the testosterone-pumping gym bros, Rinu had a calm and steady approach to her workouts. Well, she had yet another calm but still a profound reason for it. If you asked her, she'd say, "It's not about how hard you push in a single workout; it's about showing up every day and enjoying the process." This might be an eye-opener for some of us.

Of course, it is! We're being fed the exercise intensity myth, and with Rinu's help, let's bust it open!