
Navigating Parenthood: Adoptive Parenting Tips

To all new and prospective parents, we, at Kofuku, bring you the ultimate adoptive parenting tips guide that is just a click away!
Yashika Sruthi
Yashika Sruthi
Navigating Parenthood: Adoptive Parenting Tips


Adoption is a testament to the human capacity for love and compassion. Though many were averse to adoption, in recent years, it's almost preferred to go through pregnancy. With awareness and acceptance of adoption, many women have become more confident in their right to body autonomy. Pregnancy was once an inevitable thing for a woman. But now, it's a choice.

Adoption has come a great way in helping families with a myriad of issues that hinder them from procreating. It redefines family and is a shining example of nurture vs nature. It not only gives orphaned children parents, but also helps childless parents with children.